What are the application fields of stone paper?

The formation of a new type of environmentally friendly stone paper industry is inevitable for social and economic development in the new era: what are the application fields and functional advantages of the new type of environmentally friendly recyclable paper

Printing and Packaging

Printing and packaging stone paper, most of which are produced by casting method and film blowing method, are often used to make photo posters, promotional posters, maps, printed wallpaper, gift wrapping paper, etc.


Stone paper for stationery, produced stone paper, is often used to make sticky notes, letter paper, notebooks and other products. Stone paper has a similar usage scene to wood pulp paper in stationery, and its biggest highlight is the waterproofness, non-flammability and environmental friendliness of stone paper.

other kind

For example, disposable tableware such as stone-paper lunch boxes and plates; disposable stone-paper tablecloths;

Stone paper raincoat; stone paper disposable sunscreen, waterproof car jacket; degradable prayer flags, etc.


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